
Romer는 다양한 시료 속 GMO 단백질을 검출할 수 있는 폭 넓은 제품을 제공하고 있습니다.
장소, 시료, 검출 방법 등 다양하게 디자인 한 시험에 적합한 제품을 선택하여 최적의 실험을 진행하실 수 있습니다.

AgraStrip GMO 작동 원리

이중 항체 샌드위치 구성방식을 이용한 분석법입니다. 목표 단백질에 맞는 특정 항체들이 칼라 시약들과 결합하여 스트립 속에 흡수됩니다. 검출하고자 하는 목표 단백질을 함유하고 있는 소량의 식물 세포 추출물 속에 스트립을 넣으면 항체와 단백질 사이에 결합이 일어납니다. 일부 항체들은 샌드위치를 형성하지만, 모든 항체들이 컬러 시약과 결합하지는 않습니다. 멤브레인의 한 라인은 목표 단백질과, 다른 한쪽은 항체와 결합하지 않은 컬러 시약과 결합하여 빨간색 라인이 됩니다. 대조선 하나에만 색이 나타나면 음성, 대조선과 시험선 모두 나타나면 양성입니다.

AgraStrip® SeedCheck
Item No. Product Trait No. of Tests
10001170 AgraStrip® Cry2Ab Bt-Cry2AB 50-strip
10001187 AgraStrip® EPSPS EPSPS 50-strip
10001190 AgraStrip® Cry1Ac Bt-Cry1AC 50-strip
10001328 AgraStrip® PMI PMI 50-strip
10001465 AgraStrip® RUR CP4 EPSPS 50-strip
10001466 AgraStrip® Cry3Bb Bt-Cry3Bb 50-strip
10001467 AgraStrip® Cry34Ab1 Bt-Cry34Ab1 50-strip
10001468 AgraStrip® RUR-HS CP4 EPSPS 50-strip
10001469 AgraStrip® Triple Trait CP4 EPSPS, Bt-Cry1Ab, Bt-Cry1Ac, Bt-Cry1A.105, Bt-Cry3Bb 50-strip
10001470 AgraStrip® Cry1F (water extract) – corn Bt-Cry1F 50-strip
10001471 AgraStrip® VIP Vip3A 50-strip
10001472 AgraStrip® Cry1Ab Bt-Cry1Ab 50-strip
10001474 AgraStrip® LL PAT 50-strip
10001475 AgraStrip® Dual Trait Cry1F/Cry34 Cry1F, Cry34 50-strip
10001476 AgraStrip® CspB CspB 50-strip
10001477 AgraStrip® eCry3.1Ab eCry3.1Ab 50-strip
10001478 AgraStrip® Cry1Ac-S Bt-Cry1Ac 50-strip
10001483 AgraStrip® Btk Bt-Cry1Ab, Bt-Cry1Ac 50-strip
10001484 AgraStrip® BR CP4 EPSPS, Bt-cry1Ac, Bt-Cry1Ab 50-strip
10001486 AgraStrip® B2R CP4 EPSPS, Bt-Cry2Ab, Bt-Cry1Ac 50-strip
10001488 AgraStrip® Triple Trait Comb CP4 EPSPS, Bt-Cry1Ab, Bt-Cry1Ac, Bt-Cry1A.105, Bt-Cry3Bb 50-strip

표를 좌우로 움직이면 전체 내용을 보실 수 있습니다.

AgraStrip® TraitCheck
Item No. Product Trait LOD No. of Tests
10001311 AgraStrip® RUR-HS Bulk Grain CP4 EPSPS 0.125 % in corn, 0.1 % in canola, 0.167 % in alfalfa 100-strip
10001312 AgraStrip® RUR Bulk Grain CP4 EPSPS 0.1 % in soy and sugarbeets in 5 min ; 0.143 % in soy in 3min 100-strip
10001313 AgraStrip® RUR Seed and Leaf CP4 EPSPS qualitative 100-strip
10001315 AgraStrip® CspB Bulk Seed CspB 0.9 % in corn 100-strip
10001316 AgraStrip® CspB Seed and Leaf CspB qualitative 100-strip
10001317 AgraStrip® Cry1Ab Bulk Grain Bt-Cry1Ab 0.9 % in corn 100-strip
10001318 AgraStrip® Cry1Ab Seed and Leaf Bt-Cry1Ab qualitative 100-strip
10001319 AgraStrip® Cry1F Seed and Leaf Bt-Cry1F 0.125 % in corn 100-strip
10001322 AgraStrip® Cry3Bb Bulk Grain Bt-Cry3Bb 0.125 % in corn 100-strip
10001323 AgraStrip® Cry3Bb Seed and Leaf Bt-Cry3Bb qualitative 100-strip
10001324 AgraStrip® LL Bulk Grain PAT 0.9 % in corn and sugarbeet, 2 % in canola 100-strip
10001325 AgraStrip® Cry1AB/LL Bulk Grain Combo Bt-Cry1Ab, PAT 0.9 % in corn 100-strip
10001326 AgraStrip® LL Seed and Leaf PAT qualitative 100-strip
10001327 AgraStrip® LL Bulk Grain for Rice PAT 0.05 % in LLrice62, 2 % in LLRice61 100-strip
10001329 AgraStrip® Cry1F Bulk Grain (water extract) Bt-Cry1F 0.9 % in corn 100-strip
10001330 AgraStrip®Triple Trait Seed and Leaf` CP4 EPSPS, Bt-Cry1Ab, Bt-Cry1Ac, Bt-Cry1A.105, Bt-Cry3Bb qualitative 100-strip
10001331 AgraStrip® Cry34Ab1 Bulk Grain Bt-Cry34Ab1 0.125 % in corn 100-strip
10001334 AgraStrip® Cry1Ac Seed and Leaf Cry1Ac qualitative 100-strip
10001335 AgraStrip® Cry1Ac Bulk Grain Cry1Ac 0.9 % in cotton 100-strip
10001341 AgraStrip® VIP Seed and Leaf Vip3A qualitative 100-strip
10001342 AgraStrip® VIP Bulk Grain Vip3A 0.33 % in corn 100-strip
10001343 AgraStrip® Cry2Ab
Seed and Leaf Trait Check
Bt-Cry2Ab qualitative 100-strip
10001344 AgraStrip® ECry3.1Ab Bulk Grain eCry3.1Ab 0.25 % in corn 100-strip
10001345 AgraStrip® ECry3.1Ab Seed and Leaf eCry3.1Ab qualitative 100-strip
10001346 AgraStrip® CRY1AC-S Bulk Grain Cry1Ac 0.5 % in soy 100-strip
10001462 AgraStrip® RUR Toasted Meal CP4 EPSPS 0.9 % in toasted soy 100-strip
10001487 AgraStrip® Triple Trait CP4 EPSPS, Bt-Cry1Ab, Bt-Cry1Ac, Bt-Cry1A.105, Bt-Cry3Bb 0.5 % in corn, 0.9 % in corn, 0.5 % in corm 100-strip
10001490 AgraStrip® Corn Comb w/VIP3A CP4 EPSPS, PAT, Bt-Cry1Ab, Bt-Cry1Ac, Bt-Cry1A.105, Bt-Cry3Bb, Bt-Cry1F, Bt-Cry34Ab1, VIP3A depends on the trait 20-strip
10001492 AgraStrip® Semi-Quantitative 4 Strip Corn Comb CP4EPSPS, PAT, Vip 3A, Bt-Cry1A, Bt-Cyr3Bb, Bt-Cry1F,
depends on the trait 20-strip
10001493 AgraStrip® Qualitative Soy Comb 2 Traits CP4 EPSPS, PAT depends on the trait 20-strip
10006121 AgraStrip® Cottonseed Screening Comb Bulk Grain CP4 EPSPS, Bt-Cry1Ab, Bt-Cry1Ac, Bt-Cry1A.105, PAT depends on the trait 20
10006122 AgraStrip® Corn Screening Comb Bulk Grain CP4 EPSPS, Bt-Cry1Ab, Bt-Cry1Ac, Bt-Cry1A.105, PAT, PMI depends on the trait 20

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